Friday, March 29, 2013

Maggie Slow Down

Maggie Slow Down

Maggie and I were baking today and I realized how much she has grown in many ways.  the journaling reads:

Oh Maggie slow down!

I can’t believe how much you have grown-not just in size, but in life. I remember putting you up on the kitchen stool to help me bake cookies. I would let you pour small things from a bowl into the large mixing bowl and have pics of you licking a little dough from the mixer beater. Today you put all the ingredients for the cake mix into the bowl, turned on the hand mixer and mixed all the ingredients together.  We were using the hot cake pop maker, or you would have put the batter in the pans too. You are growing so fast,  soon I will wake up and you will be cooking an entire meal, and getting married.  Please slow down and let me enjoy doing things with you a little longer.

The feelings of a grandmother. Thanks for looking!


Pat said...

Oh your journaling is so heart felt & brought tears to my eyes. Your LO is so beautiful.

Kellie said...

Beautiful layout and thoughts. Maggie is very lucky to have such a wonderful and fun Gramma.