Saturday, March 3, 2012

Friday Fast Track

at Scrapping the Moments was quite successful last evening! We had a good group posting their creative pages in the gallery. The sketch was from MME blog and was designed by Anne Subbington.  Here is my interpretation:

down by the sea 2-1

After the FFT was over I wandered over to Miss Art’s Papercrafting School and watched some of the videos of the new classes.  The one was the The Rule of Threes and the other was the Friday four class-a four minute video class. This week’s was taught by Alyssa and was a cute gift tag. So it was busy productive evening.  Sure hope your Saturday is a good one!  Happy Scrapping!!!


Pat said...

Sounds like a good night!!

Pat said...

oop I love your LO too.

Kelly Roberts said...

just love looking at your beautiful pages. great job on this one. the paper does look like the sea. very nice work. take care!

Pat said...

Love your BG!!

nfaband said...

Wish I had been there for the last FFT ... had I known the site was closing down I might have been there just to say goodbye, but I was away in NC visitng a scrappy friend I met online years ago at another now defunct site. Sure was fun scrapping with you and the girls, my blog will remain up, hoping we can all find a place to scrap together again soon.