Thursday, January 19, 2012

School Days

This is a layout I did for the Book of Me. It is my third grade photo and class photo. The journaling reads:  Third grade with Mrs. Jones
My teacher for third grade was Mrs. Jones. She lived a block away from the grade school I went to. One night in the spring her house caught fire during the night. She, her two sons and her husband all got out safely. But what an opportunity to teach a class of third graders about what to do in case of a fire. She walked us over to her house, and of course only saw the house from the sidewalk. At that time they still had the fire boxes on utility poles, that you would break the glass and the alarm would ring at the fire station and they knew what area you were in. She went over everything we needed to do in case of fire. Yes what an impression she made on us I still remember that walk, and seeing the ashes and the scorched roof. Thanks for the memories Mrs. Jones.

I honestly remember that so well but can not tell you who any of these kids are! LOL!
Thanks for looking!


Cindy said...

you are not saving the comments

Jess said...

awesome layout...super cute pic!!